.ABOUT * Some facts about SHL and Our Family



We have been operating as Standard Hill Livestock, from the family farm North East of Maidstone, Saskatchewan, Canada, since 2012. Since 1970 Stephen's family had been operating a purebred Hereford herd as Standard Hill Polled Herefords. Standard Hill Angus was owned and operated by our neighbours Les & Ethel Smith since the 1980s. With the purchase of the majority of the Standard Hill Angus cows, the operating name was changed to Standard Hill Livestock with the registered cattle carrying the Standard Hill prefix. We were fortunate to be given the opportunity to take over from Stephen's father Tony and the Smiths. With market condidtions we have moved away from and then back to a mixed farming operation with the cattle being the main focus.

Stephen grew up on the farm and took fondly to the cattle and farm activities. He became more involved with cows through 4-H and the Canadian Junior Hereford Association. Being friends with the Leachman family of Big Gully Farm opened him into a more intensive environment of bovine logic, and gave him some opportunities to travel with cattle, such as the US Junior National show.

Christine and Stephen met through 4-H. She grew up North West of Cut Knife, SK. They were married in the fall of 2007. Prior to that Christine completed studies in Education and Environmental Sciences. Stephen received a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, with a major in Animal Sciences from the U of S. They welcomed their son Jayce to the family in 2009 followed by Karli in 2012, and Landen in 2015. The children are quickly growing and are a huge help to the operation of the farm and household.

We are proud to offer our stock at our annual Standard Hill Connection Sale the second Friday in March as well as by private treaty off the farm. We raise practical cattle that must work and survive our rigorous culling. Thus, our breeding goals in the recent past have largely revolved around longevity. Fertility, udder soundness, eye appeal/structural strength, muscle and forage/grazing capacity are among our top selection goals. Breeding cattle is fun, always trying to find the next piece to better the herd and dealing with the success and the failures, keeps this life interesting!

Stephen, Christine, Jayce, Karli, and Landen

The operation is currently family owned and operated by Stephen and Christine Myer and their children, Jayce, Karli, and Landen.

Currently Standard Hill Livestock is breeding 200 females with purebred Angus and Polled Hereford herds as well as some straighbred cows making F1 Hereford Angus cross genetics.

Our mission statements are:

to improve the quality of our cattle through rigorous selection and management

enhance the sustainability and profitability of our operation and that of our customers

raise our family and operate our enterprise with dedication and fairness

We would appreciate a chance to show you around. Whether you've never visited us or you come through time to time, we are happy to open our doors and gates for you to view and discuss cattle and our industry.





© Copyright Standard Hill Livestock 2025